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Contact Us

The best way to reach us is by email, but please do look through our site to see if we have not already answered your question.

For questions about membership and joining J-Town:

For questions about our learn to sail programs:

For questions relating to club administration and the sailing community:

Feel free to drop by. We're here most Saturdays and Sundays. We'd love to show you around.

Our Address:
10 Regatta Road, Toronto, ON M5A 1A3

Snail Mail Address:
P.O. Box 98092
970 Queen St. E.
Toronto ON M4M 3L9

By Phone:
You can also reach our clubhouse by phone. We are a community club so any member can pick up (it might be you soon if you join us!).

The best times to call are evenings and weekends during the sailing season (April - October).

Our Location